Refactor TextField and TextField-based component styling

Amanda Wallin

Release notes

  • BREAKING CHANGE: The DateField component has been redesigned with several key updates:

    • The calendar icon has been repositioned to the end of the input field, and the chevron icon has been removed.
    • The hasAdornments prop has been deprecated and replaced by a new prop, showCalendarButton, which controls the display of the calendar icon. This new prop defaults to false, maintaining the current behavior unless explicitly enabled.
    • Moved TravellerField to deprecated Storybook folder.
  • TextField Design Consistency: Fixed design inconsistencies in the TextField component according to the specifications in the Figma file.

  • Refactored Styling for TextField-Based Components: Updated styling for all TextField-based components—Select, Autocomplete, Stationpicker, DateField, DatePicker, TravellerField, and FormField—to enhance code maintainability and streamline future modifications.


Ändrade komponenter

Dependency bumpar

  • ui/autocomplete

  • ui/bottom-sheet

  • ui/data-grid

  • ui/date-range-picker

  • ui/filter-row

  • ui/menu

  • ui/product-card

  • ui/station-picker

  • ui/stepper

  • ui/table

  • ui/ticket-card

  • ui/title