Date Calendar
The Date Calendar lets the user select a date without any input or modal.
Namn | Typ | Beskrivning |
customTranslation | DeepPartial | Translation object used for screen reader texts. |
disabled | boolean | If true, the component is disabled. |
disableFuture | boolean | If true, disable values after the current date for date components, time for time components and both for date time components. |
disablePast | boolean | If true, disable values before the current date for date components, time for time components and both for date time components. |
hasActionButtons | boolean | Render action buttons Cancel and Ok. If true, onAccept only fires on Ok button |
hasWeekNumbers | boolean | Set this to true the picker should show the week numbers next to dates. |
isLoading | boolean | If true, a loading skeleton will be rendered instead of the component. |
lang * | "sv" |
"en" | Language used for localization and date formatting. |
onChange | (newValue: Date, selectionState: unknown, selectedView: ViewType) => void | Callback when Calendar changes. |
onClose | () => void | Callback when Calendar is requested to be closed. |
outlined | boolean | If true the calendar will have a border and white background. Default is false = transparent |
secondaryView | "month" |
"year" | Specifies the default calendar view when the component is rendered. |
timeZone | string | Time zone for the calendar. |
titleStyle | "h2" |
"h3" |
"h4" | Style calendar heading as h2, h3 or h4. Defaults to h2 |
value | "undefined" |
Date | Date value of the datepicker, in yyyy-MM-dd format. |
npm install @sj-ab/
Se dokumentationen för Date Picker:
- Enter / PiltangenterVälj ett datum i kalender
Fixes aria-labels for DateCalendar view-switching button
3.3.4Updates design tokens with new border radii and updates border radii on all components.
3.3.0Fix for DateCalendar when used in narrow areas.
3.2.2Update bvm installation script to install the bit latest version and removed linting from custom env
3.2.0Fix Datepicker focus loop by replacing Popper
Importer av Date Calendar
Repos med Date Calendar
Senaste installerade version av Date Calendar
Äldsta installerade version av Date Calendar