• Provide an ariaLabel that tells screen reader users what the button does. Make it short and actionable, e.g. "Remove traveller 1" or "Close"
  • The small variant has a built-in CSS ::before element that ensures the touch target size is always at least 48x48 px.
  • When using the button for navigation, you should pass your router link component (such as <NavLink to="destination"> via the LinkComponent prop to turn the button into a proper link.
  • Parameters

    Returns ReactNode


$$typeof: symbol
defaultProps?: Partial<Omit<IconButtonProps, "ref"> & RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>
displayName?: string

Used in debugging messages. You might want to set it explicitly if you want to display a different name for debugging purposes.

propTypes?: WeakValidationMap<Omit<IconButtonProps, "ref"> & RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>