• You can use the disableLiSemantics prop to change the underlying DOM elements and neutralize default HTML list semantics. Use this for standalone ListItemButtons that should not be announced as lists by screen readers. See the List Examples Story for an example.
  • Warning! Be very careful when using interactive ListItemButton. Never put other interactive elements such as <Button>, <Radio>, <Checkbox>, <Link> inside a ListItemButton. It is invalid HTML and won't work correctly with keyboard or screen readers!
  • Refer to the List Examples story on how to create complex or interactive list item buttons.
  • Parameters

    Returns ReactNode


$$typeof: symbol
defaultProps?: Partial<Omit<ListItemButtonProps, "ref"> & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement | HTMLLIElement>>
displayName?: string

Used in debugging messages. You might want to set it explicitly if you want to display a different name for debugging purposes.

propTypes?: WeakValidationMap<Omit<ListItemButtonProps, "ref"> & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement | HTMLLIElement>>