• RadioToggleCard is a special variant of RadioCard for when we want to collapse our option cards after a selection has been made, like when selecting flex and comfort in the purchase flow. In most other cases, you should use RadioCard instead.
  • Semantically RadioToggleCard uses <button> instead of <input type="radio">.
  • Use the MUI component ToggleButtonGroup to wrap the RadioToggleCard components. This will handle selection logic.
  • Make sure to handle keyboard focus when collapsing and expanding the group. See the story for an example.
  • The ToggleButtonGroup wrapper must have an aria-label or aria-labelledby attribute to give it a name for screen readers.
  • Always use the prop limitedClickarea when the children contain interactive elements, so you do not risk having nested interactions.
  • For better readability on small screens, you should add soft hyphens (&shy;) to long words to mark appropriate wordbreak locations. E.g.: "Plats i ligg­vagns­kupé"
  • Parameters

    Returns ReactNode


contextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>

Lets you specify which legacy context is consumed by this component.

defaultProps?: Partial<RadioToggleCardProps>

Used to define default values for the props accepted by the component.

type Props = { name?: string }

const MyComponent: FC<Props> = (props) => {
return <div>{props.name}</div>

MyComponent.defaultProps = {
name: 'John Doe'
displayName?: string

Used in debugging messages. You might want to set it explicitly if you want to display a different name for debugging purposes.

const MyComponent: FC = () => {
return <div>Hello!</div>

MyComponent.displayName = 'MyAwesomeComponent'
propTypes?: WeakValidationMap<RadioToggleCardProps>

Used to declare the types of the props accepted by the component. These types will be checked during rendering and in development only.

We recommend using TypeScript instead of checking prop types at runtime.