interface AutocompleteProps {
    ariaLabel?: string;
    autoSelectionValue?: string;
    customAttribute?: {
        attribute: string;
        value: string | number;
    description?: string;
    disabled?: boolean;
    drawerIsOpen?: boolean;
    endIcon?: Element;
    freeSolo?: boolean;
    hasError?: boolean;
    helperText?: string;
    hideClearButton?: boolean;
    highlightMatch?: boolean;
    id: string;
    inputRef?: RefObject<undefined | null | HTMLInputElement>;
    isExpanded?: boolean;
    label?: string;
    lang: "sv" | "en" | "no";
    name?: string;
    onArrowNavigation?: ((value: SelectedItemProps) => void);
    onBlur?: ((event: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement, Element>) => void);
    onCancelClickHandler?: (() => void);
    onChange: ((item: SelectedItemProps) => void);
    onClick?: (() => void);
    onClose?: ((item: SelectedItemProps) => void);
    onCloseDrawer?: (() => void);
    onFocus?: (() => void);
    onSelect?: ((item: SelectedItemProps) => void);
    options: SelectedItemProps[];
    overrideDefaultOnSelectBehavior?: boolean;
    placeholder: string;
    popularValues?: string[];
    prepopulationLists?: PrepopulationList[];
    resultHeight?: number;
    scrollOffset?: number;
    shouldAlwaysUseSheet?: boolean;
    shouldKeepSearchQuery?: boolean;
    startIcon?: Element;
        | "h2"
        | "h3"
        | "h4"
        | "h1"
        | "h5"
        | "h6";
    translations: AutocompleteTranslation;
    useInlineSwapIcon?: boolean;
    value: string;


ariaLabel?: string
autoSelectionValue?: string
customAttribute?: {
    attribute: string;
    value: string | number;

Used for tests. Clickable and requested subcomponents will be suffixed with "-[ComponentName]".

description?: string
disabled?: boolean

If true, the component is disabled.

drawerIsOpen?: boolean
endIcon?: Element
freeSolo?: boolean
hasError?: boolean
helperText?: string
hideClearButton?: boolean
highlightMatch?: boolean
id: string
inputRef?: RefObject<undefined | null | HTMLInputElement>
isExpanded?: boolean
label?: string

The label text.

lang: "sv" | "en" | "no"
name?: string
onArrowNavigation?: ((value: SelectedItemProps) => void)

Callback fired when navigating results with arrow keys

onBlur?: ((event: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement, Element>) => void)

Callback fired when focus leaves the input field

onCancelClickHandler?: (() => void)
onChange: ((item: SelectedItemProps) => void)
onClick?: (() => void)
onClose?: ((item: SelectedItemProps) => void)
onCloseDrawer?: (() => void)
onFocus?: (() => void)
onSelect?: ((item: SelectedItemProps) => void)
overrideDefaultOnSelectBehavior?: boolean

When true the components internal onSelect is overridden which otherwise runs alongside the passed in function

placeholder: string
popularValues?: string[]
prepopulationLists?: PrepopulationList[]
resultHeight?: number
scrollOffset?: number
shouldAlwaysUseSheet?: boolean

When true the component intially consists of a textfieldbutton opening the autocomplete within a sheet

shouldKeepSearchQuery?: boolean

When true the input field will keep the user defined value and not display the currently selected option

startIcon?: Element
    | "h2"
    | "h3"
    | "h4"
    | "h1"
    | "h5"
    | "h6"
useInlineSwapIcon?: boolean
value: string