interface MenuProps {
        | null
        | Element
        | (() => Element)
        | PopoverVirtualElement
        | (() => PopoverVirtualElement);
    anchorOrigin?: PopoverOrigin;
    anchorPosition?: PopoverPosition;
    anchorReference?: PopoverReference;
    bottomContent?: ReactNode;
    bottomSheetMaxHeight?: MaxHeight<string | number>;
    children?: ReactNode;
    customAttribute?: {
        attribute: string;
        value: string | number;
    elevation?: number;
    id?: string;
    lang?: "sv" | "en";
    LeftButtonProps?: ButtonBaseOwnProps & CommonProps & Omit<Omit<DetailedHTMLProps<ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, HTMLButtonElement>, "ref"> & {
        ref?: null | ((instance: null | HTMLButtonElement) => void | (() => VoidOrUndefinedOnly)) | RefObject<HTMLButtonElement>;
        | "className"
        | "style"
        | "children"
        | "classes"
        | "sx"
        | "tabIndex"
        | "disabled"
        | "action"
        | "centerRipple"
        | "disableRipple"
        | "disableTouchRipple"
        | "focusRipple"
        | "focusVisibleClassName"
        | "LinkComponent"
        | "onFocusVisible"
        | "TouchRippleProps"
        | "touchRippleRef"> & {
        component?: ElementType<any, (keyof IntrinsicElements)>;
    } & LinkProps & {
        customAttribute?: {
            attribute: string;
            value: string | number;
        fullWidth?: boolean;
        isLoading?: boolean;
        LinkComponent?: ElementType<any, (keyof IntrinsicElements)>;
        sx?: SxProps<Theme>;
    } & {
        label: string;
    maxWidth?: number;
    onClose?: (() => void);
    open: boolean;
    popoverMaxHeight?: MaxHeight<string | number>;
    RightButtonProps?: ButtonBaseOwnProps & CommonProps & Omit<Omit<DetailedHTMLProps<ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, HTMLButtonElement>, "ref"> & {
        ref?: null | ((instance: null | HTMLButtonElement) => void | (() => VoidOrUndefinedOnly)) | RefObject<HTMLButtonElement>;
        | "className"
        | "style"
        | "children"
        | "classes"
        | "sx"
        | "tabIndex"
        | "disabled"
        | "action"
        | "centerRipple"
        | "disableRipple"
        | "disableTouchRipple"
        | "focusRipple"
        | "focusVisibleClassName"
        | "LinkComponent"
        | "onFocusVisible"
        | "TouchRippleProps"
        | "touchRippleRef"> & {
        component?: ElementType<any, (keyof IntrinsicElements)>;
    } & LinkProps & {
        customAttribute?: {
            attribute: string;
            value: string | number;
        fullWidth?: boolean;
        isLoading?: boolean;
        LinkComponent?: ElementType<any, (keyof IntrinsicElements)>;
        sx?: SxProps<Theme>;
    } & {
        label: string;
    role?: AriaRole;
    showButtons?: boolean;
    showCloseButton?: boolean;
    showTitle?: boolean;
    subheading?: string;
    sx?: SxProps<Theme>;
    title: string;
    topContent?: ReactNode;
    transformOrigin?: PopoverOrigin;
    variant?: "popover" | "automatic" | "bottomsheet";


    | null
    | Element
    | (() => Element)
    | PopoverVirtualElement
    | (() => PopoverVirtualElement)

Ref to the element used as the Popover anchor.

anchorOrigin?: PopoverOrigin

The point on the anchor where the popover's anchorEl will attach to.

anchorPosition?: PopoverPosition

Position of the menu popup.

anchorReference?: PopoverReference

Determines which anchor prop to refer to when setting the position of the popover.

bottomContent?: ReactNode

Content to be rendered at the bottom of the menu, below the menu items.

bottomSheetMaxHeight?: MaxHeight<string | number>

Height limit for the BottomSheet variant. Use with caution, as it can affect accessibility text zoom. The preferred value is calc(100% - NN px) to ensure content is not cut off during zoom.

children?: ReactNode

The children of the component.

customAttribute?: {
    attribute: string;
    value: string | number;

Used for tests. Clickable and requested subcomponents will be suffixed with "-[ComponentName]".

elevation?: number

The elevation of the popover.

id?: string

A unique ID for the menu, used for WAI-ARIA and other purposes.

lang?: "sv" | "en"

Language used for internal translations.

LeftButtonProps?: ButtonBaseOwnProps & CommonProps & Omit<Omit<DetailedHTMLProps<ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, HTMLButtonElement>, "ref"> & {
    ref?: null | ((instance: null | HTMLButtonElement) => void | (() => VoidOrUndefinedOnly)) | RefObject<HTMLButtonElement>;
    | "className"
    | "style"
    | "children"
    | "classes"
    | "sx"
    | "tabIndex"
    | "disabled"
    | "action"
    | "centerRipple"
    | "disableRipple"
    | "disableTouchRipple"
    | "focusRipple"
    | "focusVisibleClassName"
    | "LinkComponent"
    | "onFocusVisible"
    | "TouchRippleProps"
    | "touchRippleRef"> & {
    component?: ElementType<any, (keyof IntrinsicElements)>;
} & LinkProps & {
    customAttribute?: {
        attribute: string;
        value: string | number;
    fullWidth?: boolean;
    isLoading?: boolean;
    LinkComponent?: ElementType<any, (keyof IntrinsicElements)>;
    sx?: SxProps<Theme>;
} & {
    label: string;

Props for the left bottom button, including a label.

Type declaration

  • OptionalcustomAttribute?: {
        attribute: string;
        value: string | number;

    Custom attribute for testing. Clickable and requested subcomponents will have a suffix "-[ComponentName]".

    • attribute: string
    • value: string | number
  • OptionalfullWidth?: boolean

    If set to true, the button will occupy the full width of its container.

  • OptionalisLoading?: boolean

    If true, a loading skeleton will be rendered instead of the component.

  • OptionalLinkComponent?: ElementType<any, (keyof IntrinsicElements)>

    Component used to render a link if the href prop is provided.

  • Optionalsx?: SxProps<Theme>

    Prop for defining system overrides and additional CSS styles.

maxWidth?: number

Width limit, does not apply for mobile bottom sheets.

onClose?: (() => void)

Callback fired when the component requests to be closed.

open: boolean

Controls whether the menu is open or closed.

popoverMaxHeight?: MaxHeight<string | number>

Height limit for the Popover variant. Note: Must include the unit (e.g., px, rem).

RightButtonProps?: ButtonBaseOwnProps & CommonProps & Omit<Omit<DetailedHTMLProps<ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, HTMLButtonElement>, "ref"> & {
    ref?: null | ((instance: null | HTMLButtonElement) => void | (() => VoidOrUndefinedOnly)) | RefObject<HTMLButtonElement>;
    | "className"
    | "style"
    | "children"
    | "classes"
    | "sx"
    | "tabIndex"
    | "disabled"
    | "action"
    | "centerRipple"
    | "disableRipple"
    | "disableTouchRipple"
    | "focusRipple"
    | "focusVisibleClassName"
    | "LinkComponent"
    | "onFocusVisible"
    | "TouchRippleProps"
    | "touchRippleRef"> & {
    component?: ElementType<any, (keyof IntrinsicElements)>;
} & LinkProps & {
    customAttribute?: {
        attribute: string;
        value: string | number;
    fullWidth?: boolean;
    isLoading?: boolean;
    LinkComponent?: ElementType<any, (keyof IntrinsicElements)>;
    sx?: SxProps<Theme>;
} & {
    label: string;

Props for the right bottom button, including a label.

Type declaration

  • OptionalcustomAttribute?: {
        attribute: string;
        value: string | number;

    Custom attribute for testing. Clickable and requested subcomponents will have a suffix "-[ComponentName]".

    • attribute: string
    • value: string | number
  • OptionalfullWidth?: boolean

    If set to true, the button will occupy the full width of its container.

  • OptionalisLoading?: boolean

    If true, a loading skeleton will be rendered instead of the component.

  • OptionalLinkComponent?: ElementType<any, (keyof IntrinsicElements)>

    Component used to render a link if the href prop is provided.

  • Optionalsx?: SxProps<Theme>

    Prop for defining system overrides and additional CSS styles.

role?: AriaRole

Changes the aria role of the <MenuList> component.

showButtons?: boolean

If true, the popup will display close and done buttons.

showCloseButton?: boolean

If true, the popup will display a close button in the top right corner.

showTitle?: boolean

If true, the title will be displayed at the top.

subheading?: string

A caption shown under the title.

sx?: SxProps<Theme>

The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles.

title: string

Mandatory title used for accessibility labels. If you want the title to be visible as well, use the showTitle prop.

topContent?: ReactNode

Optional content to be rendered at the top of the menu.

transformOrigin?: PopoverOrigin

The point on the popover which will attach to the anchor's origin.

variant?: "popover" | "automatic" | "bottomsheet"

The variant of the menu popup to display. The "automatic" option will render based on the current device width.