HeadingComponentProps: {
    ariaActiveDescendantId: string;
    children?: React.ReactNode;
    id: string;
    isMobile: boolean;
    keyboardIsUsed?: boolean;
    onInit?: (() => void);
    selected: boolean;
    translations?: Record<string, unknown>;

Type declaration

  • ariaActiveDescendantId: string

    The ID of the currently active descendant element for ARIA accessibility.

  • Optionalchildren?: React.ReactNode

    The children elements to be rendered inside the component.

  • id: string

    The unique identifier for the component.

  • isMobile: boolean

    Flag indicating if the component is being viewed on a mobile device.

  • OptionalkeyboardIsUsed?: boolean

    Flag indicating if the keyboard is being used for navigation.

  • OptionalonInit?: (() => void)

    Callback function that is called when the component is initialized.

      • (): void
      • Returns void

  • selected: boolean

    Flag indicating if the component is selected.

  • Optionaltranslations?: Record<string, unknown>

    Custom translations for the component.