ConditionalProps: {
    color?: BadgeColor;
    elevation?: never;
    label?: never;
    labelPosition?: never;
    labelVariant?: never;
    size: "sm";
} | {
    color?: BadgeColor | "darkGreen" | "darkBlue";
    elevation?: never;
    label?: string;
    labelPosition?: "right" | "left";
    labelVariant?: "caption" | "body1";
    size: "md";
} | {
    color?: BadgeColor | "outlined" | "lightGrey";
    elevation?: 0 | 1 | 2;
    label: string;
    labelPosition?: never;
    labelVariant?: "caption" | "body1";
    size: "lg";

Type declaration

  • Optionalcolor?: BadgeColor | "darkGreen" | "darkBlue"

    Color of the status circle

  • Optionalelevation?: never
  • Optionallabel?: string

    The label text.

  • OptionallabelPosition?: "right" | "left"
  • OptionallabelVariant?: "caption" | "body1"

    The label typography variant. Default is "caption", but "body1" can be used in exceptional cases.

  • size: "md"

Type declaration

  • Optionalcolor?: BadgeColor | "outlined" | "lightGrey"

    Color of the status circle

  • Optionalelevation?: 0 | 1 | 2

    Elevation of the badge when color is "outlined".

  • label: string

    The label text.

  • OptionallabelPosition?: never
  • OptionallabelVariant?: "caption" | "body1"

    The label typography variant. Default is "caption", but "body1" can be used in exceptional cases.

  • size: "lg"